noviembre 03, 2008
Mario en verde / Mario goes green
Por petición popular, me encargaré de seguir de cerca a nuestro entrenador personal favorito para mostrar sus estilismos diarios, ya que os aseguro que él no va a empezar un blog personal. Aquí le tenemos con una cazadora de nylon verde que usa tanto para trabajar como para el día a día, sólo cambiando las texturas de los demás elementos del look.
Due to the success of our favourite personal trainner's post, I am going to keep track on his daily outifits since he will certainly not start his own personal blog. Here he shows us a nylon jacket that can be used for day or night simply by changing the texture of the other components of the look.
Look fuera de trabajo / After work look:
Jacket: H&M
Sweater: cashmere
Pants: AApparel corduroy (pana)
Belt: Rugby by Ralph Lauren
Sneakers: Prada
Due to the success of our favourite personal trainner's post, I am going to keep track on his daily outifits since he will certainly not start his own personal blog. Here he shows us a nylon jacket that can be used for day or night simply by changing the texture of the other components of the look.
Look de trabajo / Trainning look:
Pants: Prada
Sneakers: New Balance
Sneakers: New Balance
Look fuera de trabajo / After work look:
Sweater: cashmere
Pants: AApparel corduroy (pana)
Belt: Rugby by Ralph Lauren
Sneakers: Prada