agosto 03, 2011
La fotogenia: de Genaro a Diosa por unas pestañas postizas
No soy fotogénica, pero eso en estos tiempos digitales ya no es un problema, ¿o sí? Siempre digo que la mayor parte del mérito de que uno salga favorecido en una foto es del fotógrafo, a falta de buenos fotógrafos a mano ahora también tenemos la solución del "saca otra...otra...otra más...espera, otra". Sin embargo y aún con todos estos medios a nuestro favor, en ocasiones seguimos apareciendo como orcos del mismísimo Mordor. ¿A qué se debe que haya gente que sin ser profesional al ponerles una cámara delante saben qué hombro sacar, cómo mantener la seriedad y qué pose adoptar para salir bien? ¿Qué han estudiado que yo no? ¿O es una renuncia absoluta del pudor en pro de un bien mayor como es el de salir bien a perpetuidad?
I'm not photogenic. However, in this digital Era it's not a problem anymore, or is it? I always say that the reason why a person looks amazing in a picture is because the photographer. In the absence of great photographers, we have the "take one more...another more...wait...another one". But even with all this resources in our reach, we still can look like an orcs from Mordor itself in a picture. How come there are people that, in front of a camera, knows how to stand, keep the seriousness, what shoulder they have to put out? Without being a professional in the matter? What did they study that I didn't? Or is it a entire renunciation of our modesty for the purpose of looking great for posterity?
I'm not photogenic. However, in this digital Era it's not a problem anymore, or is it? I always say that the reason why a person looks amazing in a picture is because the photographer. In the absence of great photographers, we have the "take one more...another more...wait...another one". But even with all this resources in our reach, we still can look like an orcs from Mordor itself in a picture. How come there are people that, in front of a camera, knows how to stand, keep the seriousness, what shoulder they have to put out? Without being a professional in the matter? What did they study that I didn't? Or is it a entire renunciation of our modesty for the purpose of looking great for posterity?
En este sentido nunca olvidaré mi primer encuentro con Paulina Rubio en un Rock'n'Rio de hace años, nos presentó el Consorte (en aquellos días era su entrenador) y yo quedé fascinada por el gesto automático que nuestra Pau Latina repetía en cuanto algún fan venía a pedirle una foto (exactamente cada 15 segundos). SúperPau, paciente y entregada, accedía a cada foto con un coqueto (y complicado) gesto de levantar una rodilla y cruzarla sobre la pierna opuesta en puntillas, al mismo tiempo que subía el hombro opuesto a la pierna levantada, ladeaba la cabeza hacia el brazo relajado y lanzaba un beso a la cámara. Siempre igual, siempre perfecto. Quedé fascinada. Miraba alrededor sin comprender cómo nadie más se estaba dando cuenta de la situación, fue quizá mi primera revelación en el mundo del "strike the pose" y es así que aprendí que nada, ni nadie, menos aún tu verguenza propia o ajena (por muy grandes que sean) han de interferir en tu objetivo de salir como una diosa en cada intantánea.
In that sense, I'll never forget my first encounter with Paulina Rubio years ago in a Rock'n'Rio concert. I was introduced by El Consorte (he was her trainer at the time). I was mesmerized by Paulina Rubio's posing technique every time a fan asked her for a picture, which happened every 15 seconds; Super Pau was patient and giving. She agreed to each picture with the flirting and complicated gesture of raising one knee and crossing it over the opposite leg in with a tiptoe. At the same time, she raised the opposite shoulder of the leg in a pose and lean the head on her arm; finally, she blows a kiss to the camera. Always the same, always perfect. I was captivated. I looked around without understanding how anybody else realized what was happening. It was my first "strike the pose" revelation, so that is how I learned that nothing, or anyone, must get in the middle of the purpose of looking like a Goddess in each picture, not even your shame or shame for others.
In that sense, I'll never forget my first encounter with Paulina Rubio years ago in a Rock'n'Rio concert. I was introduced by El Consorte (he was her trainer at the time). I was mesmerized by Paulina Rubio's posing technique every time a fan asked her for a picture, which happened every 15 seconds; Super Pau was patient and giving. She agreed to each picture with the flirting and complicated gesture of raising one knee and crossing it over the opposite leg in with a tiptoe. At the same time, she raised the opposite shoulder of the leg in a pose and lean the head on her arm; finally, she blows a kiss to the camera. Always the same, always perfect. I was captivated. I looked around without understanding how anybody else realized what was happening. It was my first "strike the pose" revelation, so that is how I learned that nothing, or anyone, must get in the middle of the purpose of looking like a Goddess in each picture, not even your shame or shame for others.
Lo más curioso es que ese objetivo ya no afecta de forma única al famoseo, como decía antes, con la llegada de la era digital nos encontramos inmersos en un campo de tiro para el cual o estás preparada o sales con cara de cervatillo asustado. Mal.
The funny thing is, that purpose is not limited to the famous people anymore; with the digital Era, we find ourselves in a shooting field where either you're ready or you look like a scared Bambi, awful.
The funny thing is, that purpose is not limited to the famous people anymore; with the digital Era, we find ourselves in a shooting field where either you're ready or you look like a scared Bambi, awful.
Esta introducción es importante para explicaros mi segunda revelación en el mundo del ""strike the pose" que tuvo lugar al ver la foto que el Magazine del periódico El Mundo dedicó a 12 blogueros españoles.
This introduction is very important and explains my second "strike the pose" revelation. It happened when I saw a picture of me in El Mundo who did an article about 12 Spanish bloggers.
This introduction is very important and explains my second "strike the pose" revelation. It happened when I saw a picture of me in El Mundo who did an article about 12 Spanish bloggers.
Semejante retrato de familia salió publicado allá en el mes de marzo y antes siquiera de ver la foto en persona sabía que algo había ido mal cuando eran las 12 de la mañana del domingo y mi madre aún no había llamado para darme el reporte. Periódico de tirada nacional en su edición dominical sacando a doble página a los que consideran como los 12 blogueros más relevantes del país, uau, todo un honor aparecer. Miles de gracias Paula por tenerme en cuenta. Sin embargo a Santiago, el fotógrafo, mira que era majo pero las gracias, fíjate lo que son las gracias precisamente, no le puedo dar. Atención al por qué:
This family portrait was published in March; before looking at the picture myself, I knew something was wrong when my mother didn't call with her review on a Sunday and it was noon. The national paper with two pages for the 12 most relevant bloggers in the country, what an honor it seems. Thanks a lot Paula for taking me into account. To Santiago the photographer however... He is very nice and all, but I don't think I'll say thank you to him, check out why:
This family portrait was published in March; before looking at the picture myself, I knew something was wrong when my mother didn't call with her review on a Sunday and it was noon. The national paper with two pages for the 12 most relevant bloggers in the country, what an honor it seems. Thanks a lot Paula for taking me into account. To Santiago the photographer however... He is very nice and all, but I don't think I'll say thank you to him, check out why:
¿QUÉ ES ESO? ¿ESO ES QUESO? ¿QUÉ QUESO ES? DIME QUE NO SOY YO POR FAVOR. Oh sí, me temo que sí, esa chaqueta la reconozco pero, ¿a qué pedazo de travelo se la he dejado? Dioses del cielo y del infierno eso es salir mal en una foto y lo demás son excusas. Parezco un tio pintado como una puerta, sin cuello y con pelucón. Entre tú y yo, un travelazo de nombre Genaro como me bautizó cariñosamente Nuria después de llegar a la conclusión de que ni siquiera me merecía un nombre de tio bueno. Mi madre fue más práctica, "consuélate, no eres la que peor sale", qué grande, se lo diré a los demás mamá a ver qué tal les sienta. Pero no os enfadéis compañeros blogueros, aparte de que es mi santa madre, ese comentario viene de la misma persona que me recomendó comprarme una olla express para reducir el nivel de stress de la vida en Madrid. Ahí queda eso.
WHAT IS THAT? WHAT...IS...THAT?? PLEASE TELL ME THAT'S NOT ME. Oh yeah, I'm afraid it is. I recognize the jacket, how a transvestite took it away? Good Heaven and Hell, that's a terrible picture and the rest are mere excuses. I looked like a dude without a neck in a wig; like a transvestite named Genaro. That is how I was baptized by my dear friend Nuria after concluding that I didn't even deserve a nice guy name after that picture. My mother was more practical; she said "At least you're not the worse in it", genius mom, I'll tell the other bloggers that and see how they feel about it. Do not get offended my fellow bloggers; beside the fact that she's my mother, it's the same person that once told me that I have to buy pressure cooker in order to reduce the stress level of Madrid lifestyle. That's that.
WHAT IS THAT? WHAT...IS...THAT?? PLEASE TELL ME THAT'S NOT ME. Oh yeah, I'm afraid it is. I recognize the jacket, how a transvestite took it away? Good Heaven and Hell, that's a terrible picture and the rest are mere excuses. I looked like a dude without a neck in a wig; like a transvestite named Genaro. That is how I was baptized by my dear friend Nuria after concluding that I didn't even deserve a nice guy name after that picture. My mother was more practical; she said "At least you're not the worse in it", genius mom, I'll tell the other bloggers that and see how they feel about it. Do not get offended my fellow bloggers; beside the fact that she's my mother, it's the same person that once told me that I have to buy pressure cooker in order to reduce the stress level of Madrid lifestyle. That's that.
La segunda revelación del mundo del "stike the pose" que me golpeó duramente al contemplar esta foto fue: no intentes ser natural en las fotos o más bien sé falsamente natural, es decir, ensaya una cara decente en la que no estés sonriendo (minimizas riesgos) y aférrate a ella contra viento y marea, como sea, sin importante quién haya alrededor, ellos están haciendo lo mismo y si te entra la verguenza propia o ajena recuerda la revelación primera.
My second "strike the pose" revelation after contemplating that picture was: Do not try to be natural in the pictures, or don't try to fake natural; I mean, rehearse a decent face without smiling (minimize the risks) and hold on to it against all odds, no matter who's around you because they're doing the same thing and if shame comes up, remember the first revelation.
My second "strike the pose" revelation after contemplating that picture was: Do not try to be natural in the pictures, or don't try to fake natural; I mean, rehearse a decent face without smiling (minimize the risks) and hold on to it against all odds, no matter who's around you because they're doing the same thing and if shame comes up, remember the first revelation.
Con esa nueva claridad mental me propusieron participar en el mega evento organizado por Tous en honor a Manolo Blahnik y la nueva joya que habían creado conjuntamente. Las habitaciones del Ritz Barcelona, fotógrafo profesional, estilistas, equipo de maquillaje y peluquería, equipo de producción, equipo de making-off, catering... UAU, no sabéis qué medios, impresionante, absolutamente impresionante. Sólo he estado en una sesión de fotos con más medios que ésta y fue una de Annie Leibovitz para Vogue USA (eso os lo cuento otro día).
With that kind of clarity in mind, I was offer to participate in a huge event for Tous honoring Manolo Blahnik and their new piece of jewelry made for the occasion. It was in the Ritz Hotel Barcelona, with a professional photographer, stylists, make up crew, hair dressers, production team, making-off, catering, the whole nine yards. It was amazing, absolutely amazing. I've to a photo session only once; it was with Annie Leibovitz for Vogue USA (I'll tell that story another day).
With that kind of clarity in mind, I was offer to participate in a huge event for Tous honoring Manolo Blahnik and their new piece of jewelry made for the occasion. It was in the Ritz Hotel Barcelona, with a professional photographer, stylists, make up crew, hair dressers, production team, making-off, catering, the whole nine yards. It was amazing, absolutely amazing. I've to a photo session only once; it was with Annie Leibovitz for Vogue USA (I'll tell that story another day).
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Macarea Gea, Stella Wants to Die, Style CopyCat, Mi Armario en Ruinas, Yo misma, Lovely Pepa, Rosa Oriol y Rosa Tous, A Trendy Life, Barcelonette, Loft in SoHo, So Urban So Chic, Dulceida, Style on the Street Blog y Mit me by Mayte |
El resultado, impresionante como no cabía esperar de otra manera, digno del Hola en su especial de Navidad junto a Isabel Preysler y el Príncipe Carlos. ¿Qué diferencia en la composición de las fotos verdad? Pues es que en prepararla estuvieron dos días casi completos el fotógrafo Xevi Muntané y su equipo. Ese equilibrio en los colores y que no te chirríen los ojos al verla se logra unificando los tonos en los vestidos de cada una, trabajo que realizaron con destreza y paciencia las responsables del showroom 24Fab. Esas ondas sinuosas y esas miradas de vértigo las lograron los cepillos y las pestañas postizas del equipo de New Look. Insisto en que los medios que desplegó Tous en su encuentro con las blogueras no se había visto antes en este país.
The result? Unbelievable; it couldn't be any other way, like a Christmas Edition of Hello Magazine with Isabel Preysler and Prince Charles. What about the picture's composition? To get that result, the photographer Xevi Muntané and his team spend to days setting it up. Those colors can be reach by unifying the tones with the dresses of each of us; it was a skillful job made by 24Fab showroom. Those devious waves and incredible looks are due to hair brushes and fake eyelashes from New Look team. I insist, that kind of resources display has never been done for bloggers in this country.
The result? Unbelievable; it couldn't be any other way, like a Christmas Edition of Hello Magazine with Isabel Preysler and Prince Charles. What about the picture's composition? To get that result, the photographer Xevi Muntané and his team spend to days setting it up. Those colors can be reach by unifying the tones with the dresses of each of us; it was a skillful job made by 24Fab showroom. Those devious waves and incredible looks are due to hair brushes and fake eyelashes from New Look team. I insist, that kind of resources display has never been done for bloggers in this country.
Aquí tenéis a parte del equipo que intervino en la sesión de fotos. The entire team that participated in the photo shoot |
Yo me lo pasé como una enana, conocí a las nuevas generaciones de blogueras que tiene las cosas muy claras sin necesidad de revelaciones para salir bien delante de una cámara y disfruté de una estancia a cuerpo de reina condesa en Barcelona gracias a Tous.
I had a blast; I met the new generation of bloggers. They have everything figure out and worked the cameras perfectly without any revelations. I enjoyed thequeen Condesa treatment in Barcelona thanks to Tous.
I had a blast; I met the new generation of bloggers. They have everything figure out and worked the cameras perfectly without any revelations. I enjoyed the
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Mi vestido es de Marchesa, lo sé, una Condesa vestida por marquesa, cómo me molo. My dress is from Marchesa, I know, Condesa dressed by Marchesa, that's cool. |
Sin lugar a dudas puse a prueba mis dos principales revelaciones en el mundo del "strike the pose" con resultados muy satisfactorios, el fantasma de Genaro parecía que ya quedaba lejos, podía respirar tranquila, sólo me quedaban por delante años de tragarme la verguenza y fingir naturalidad. Sin embargo justo cuando ya había terminado todo, Tatel, reponsable del blog TrendyCrew y del making-off de la sesión, me hizo algunas fotos sin muchas pretensiones para que se las mandara ipso-facto al Consorte y entendiera por qué he de invertir en una operación de implante de pestañas postizas. Conozco a Tatel, me gusta su trabajo, me gusta ella, es una mujer agradable, habíamos acabado un largo día de trabajo y sólo estábamos haciendo el tonto. El resultado:
It is obvious that I tested the two "strike the pose" revelations; the results were great. The ghost of Genaro seemed far away; I was able to breath at ease now. I just have years of swallowed shame and natural pretends ahead of me if the pictures turned out wrong. Before the photo shoot was over, I hung out with Tatel who is responsible for TrendyCrew blog and making-off of the event. She made some picture of me so I could send it to El Consorte and made him see that fake eyelashes is a good investment. I know Tatel. I like her, I like her work, she's very nice person; after a long day of work, we were just playing around. The result:
It is obvious that I tested the two "strike the pose" revelations; the results were great. The ghost of Genaro seemed far away; I was able to breath at ease now. I just have years of swallowed shame and natural pretends ahead of me if the pictures turned out wrong. Before the photo shoot was over, I hung out with Tatel who is responsible for TrendyCrew blog and making-off of the event. She made some picture of me so I could send it to El Consorte and made him see that fake eyelashes is a good investment. I know Tatel. I like her, I like her work, she's very nice person; after a long day of work, we were just playing around. The result:
Una DIOSA!! Una DIOSA!! ¿Pero quién es esa maravilla que parece el retrato de Laura en vida? C'EST MOI BABY, C'EST MOI!! Aquí moría Genaro de forma definitiva y para siempre, con la confirmación, una vez más, de que la mayor parte del mérito de que salgas bien en una foto es que estés tranquila, verdaderamente relajada y que confíes en el arte del fotógrafo (y de unas buenas pestañas postizas).
A GODDESS! A GODDESS!! Who is that gorgeous woman that looks like the living Laura's Portrait? C'EST MOI BABY, C'EST MOI!! In that moment, Genaro was dead entirely and forever, demonstrating once more that all the credit for a great picture goes to the photographer; the professional that makes you feel comfortable, relaxed, and makes you trust his/her work, and fake eyelashes of course.
A GODDESS! A GODDESS!! Who is that gorgeous woman that looks like the living Laura's Portrait? C'EST MOI BABY, C'EST MOI!! In that moment, Genaro was dead entirely and forever, demonstrating once more that all the credit for a great picture goes to the photographer; the professional that makes you feel comfortable, relaxed, and makes you trust his/her work, and fake eyelashes of course.
Antes de acabar este relato interminable que podéis llevaros impresos a la playa y que espero os entretenga un par de días he de hablaros de la joya en cuestión porque ES PARA VOSOTROS!! A ver, es un mini zapato modelo Campari o Mari Jane (¿Os acordáis cuando Carrie entra en los armarios de Vogue e hiper ventila al encontrar unos zapatos negros? Pues ésos son), en plata, cadena corta y que Carmencita os ha estado guardando todo este tiempo sin ponerse porque tiene los pies soldados a una plataforma.
Before ending this long story, which I hope you take to the beach for entertaining purposes, I want to talk to you about the piece of jewelry that started the whole thing: IT'S FOR YOU GUYS!! It's a mini Campari o Mari Jane shoe. Do you remember when Carrie enters Vogue's wardrobe and starts hyperventilating when she saw the black shoes? Well, that's the one. Made of silver and short chain. Carmencita has been saving it all this time; she can't wear them because her feet are stuck in a platform.
Before ending this long story, which I hope you take to the beach for entertaining purposes, I want to talk to you about the piece of jewelry that started the whole thing: IT'S FOR YOU GUYS!! It's a mini Campari o Mari Jane shoe. Do you remember when Carrie enters Vogue's wardrobe and starts hyperventilating when she saw the black shoes? Well, that's the one. Made of silver and short chain. Carmencita has been saving it all this time; she can't wear them because her feet are stuck in a platform.
Si lo queréis sólo tenéis que dejar un comentario en este post con vuestro email (no email no consurso) antes del día 14 de agosto y lo sortearé generando un número al azar que corresponderá con la posición de un comentario en el orden general, así que cuantos más comentarios dejéis más posibilidades de ganar.
You just have to leave a comment in this post with your email in it before August 14th (no email, no shoe). I'll choose the winner by taking a random number and the comment that matches that number will have the price. More comments, more chances to win.
You just have to leave a comment in this post with your email in it before August 14th (no email, no shoe). I'll choose the winner by taking a random number and the comment that matches that number will have the price. More comments, more chances to win.
Me despido. Gracias a Tous y a Galactinet por haber organizado un evento tan espectacular, tan bien organizado y haber contado conmigo. Y gracias a vosotros por haber leído hasta el final.
I say Bye now. Thanks to Tous and Galactinet for making such spectacular event, so organized and for inviting me. And thanks all of you for reading until the end.
I say Bye now. Thanks to Tous and Galactinet for making such spectacular event, so organized and for inviting me. And thanks all of you for reading until the end.
Ánimo con agosto,
Cheer up this August,
Cheer up this August,
La Condesa no puede vivir sin pestañas postizas
La Condesa who can't live without fake eyelashes
Translated by Marianela Santamaria
La Condesa who can't live without fake eyelashes
Translated by Marianela Santamaria