marzo 01, 2009
Homenaje a los grandes maestros: Galliano, Lagerfeld, Margiela y Muchachada Nui
El próximo fin de semana nos vamos a París (Ahh! grito de emoción incontenible) y como no tenemos entradas para ni un sólo desfile hemos decido ponernos a trabajar para hacerle un homenaje a aquellos diseñadores a cuyos desfiles nos encantaría asistir.
Next weekend we're going to Paris (great!) but we don't have tickets to any of the shows. Therefore we've decided to get our imagination working and prepare a post to pay tribute to those designers we would love to go to.
Next weekend we're going to Paris (great!) but we don't have tickets to any of the shows. Therefore we've decided to get our imagination working and prepare a post to pay tribute to those designers we would love to go to.

John por favor tú eres casi español como aquel que dice, seguro que me entiendes. Te sigo desde tiempos inmemoriales, siempre te he amado y siempre te amaré, porque además estoy segura de que tienes un gran sentido del humor. Un par de entradas podrían ser el principio de una bellísima amistad. Luego yo te invitaría aquí a mi casa en Madrid que nos lo pasaríamos de miedo con lo que a ti te gusta España. Escríbeme que no te vas a arrepentir.
Beloved John, you're half Spanish, I'm sure you understand me. I've followed your work since the begining, always loved you and always will. Plus I'm quite sure you must have a great sense of humour. A couple of tickets would be the begining of a beautiful friendship. In return you will always be invited to my place in Madrid, it would be great to have you here since I know how much you love Spain.
Beloved John, you're half Spanish, I'm sure you understand me. I've followed your work since the begining, always loved you and always will. Plus I'm quite sure you must have a great sense of humour. A couple of tickets would be the begining of a beautiful friendship. In return you will always be invited to my place in Madrid, it would be great to have you here since I know how much you love Spain.


Karl, yo pasé mi infancia en Alemania, el primer vestido que hicimos en mi casa fue una copia de uno tuyo (siempre a modo de homenaje entiéndeme), hago colección de guantes y abanicos...yo es que creo que en cuanto nos conociésemos ya no nos íbamos a separar de todo lo que tenemos en común y podemos hablar. En el Grand Palais cabe muchisísima gente, no te pido unas entradas de front-row que habrá navajazos, no de verdad, yo aunque sea de pie en una esquinita ya sería feliz. Tienes mi correo en el sidebar, dile a alguien de los tuyos que me escriba anda por favor que me matarías de la ilusión.
Dearest Karl, I grew up in Germany, the first dress I ever made was a copy of one of yours (as a tribute, please don't get me wrong), I collect gloves and fans. I honestly think that if we ever meet we would have so many things in common to talk about that we wouldn't separate in hours. The Grand Palais is very big and can host loads of people, front-row tickets is not what I'm asking for, a little corner would make me happy enough for the rest of my life. C'mon Karl, please tell one of your people to email me.
Dearest Karl, I grew up in Germany, the first dress I ever made was a copy of one of yours (as a tribute, please don't get me wrong), I collect gloves and fans. I honestly think that if we ever meet we would have so many things in common to talk about that we wouldn't separate in hours. The Grand Palais is very big and can host loads of people, front-row tickets is not what I'm asking for, a little corner would make me happy enough for the rest of my life. C'mon Karl, please tell one of your people to email me.


Martin, no te voy a mentir, no sigo mucho tu trabajo porque no entiendo qué haces en pasarela y por qué no tiene nada que ver luego con lo que hay en las tiendas, pero me gustaría entenderlo y sobre todo me han dicho que haces unos espectáculos fantásticos. Además, de informalismo abstracto, que creo que es más tu rollo, entiendo un rato y me encantaría presentarte a mi amiga Melisa Hindell que es la gurú de este estilo. Lamentablemente como no se sabe quién eres los de Muchachada Nui no te han dedicado un video como a los otros, pero te dejo el mejor de todos, que si lo ves y te gusta es un claro signo de que nos vamos a entender y me tienes que llamar. Espero que lo disfrutes.
Dear Martin, I'm afraid I haven't followed your work much because I don't seem to get it, but would love to learn to and I've also heard your shows are great performances that could help as inspiration for my blog. I leave you with a couple of links related to Spanish humour, I suggest you find someone to translate them for you and ,in case you like them ,send me a message because that would be a clear sign that we will get along.
Dear Martin, I'm afraid I haven't followed your work much because I don't seem to get it, but would love to learn to and I've also heard your shows are great performances that could help as inspiration for my blog. I leave you with a couple of links related to Spanish humour, I suggest you find someone to translate them for you and ,in case you like them ,send me a message because that would be a clear sign that we will get along.

PD: gracias especiales a todos los colaboradores que han intervenido valientemente en este post (creo que hemos emprendido una camino sin retorno hacia el payasismo) y a la artista Paz López por mandarme los mejores links.