junio 20, 2011
Heal the world
Make it a betteeeer placeeee, for youuuu and for meeee and the entire human race. There are PEOPLE dying. If you care enough for the living, make a better place for youuuu and for meeee, youuuu and for meeeee, youuuu and meee, youuuu and....
Oorrfff, vivir con un fanático de Michael Jackson tiene sus contras y es que hay canciones que ya, ya, ya de verdad NO puedo escuchar más veces. En cualquier caso el título de la canción me viene bien para hablaros de gente cuyo trabajo voy conociendo y me parece como mínimo admirable, se dedican a curar el mundo. No son médicos ni enfermeras, son artistas.
Living with a Michael Jackson fan has its disadvantages; there are songs that I CAN'T hear anymore. Nonetheless, the song's title is right to introduce you to people whose work I started to get to know and is not less that admiring. Their job is to heal the world. They aren't doctors or nurses, they are artists.
Living with a Michael Jackson fan has its disadvantages; there are songs that I CAN'T hear anymore. Nonetheless, the song's title is right to introduce you to people whose work I started to get to know and is not less that admiring. Their job is to heal the world. They aren't doctors or nurses, they are artists.
Por ejemplo, Juliana SantaCruz ayuda a cerrar las cicatrices del pavimento con lanas de colores.
For example, Juliana SantaCruz. She helps to close the asphalt's scars with colored wool.
For example, Juliana SantaCruz. She helps to close the asphalt's scars with colored wool.
Jan Vorman hace algo parecido pero, al igual que en la medicina, él se especializa en pieles verticales y utiliza piezas de lego para curarles las heridas.
Jan Vorman kind of does the same thing, like in medicine, his specialty are vertical skins; he uses legos to heal the wounds.
Jan Vorman kind of does the same thing, like in medicine, his specialty are vertical skins; he uses legos to heal the wounds.
Sara Applebaum también es muy amiga del crochet y de cubrir el mundo entero con él, pero su mayor contribución a la paz mundidal que tanto desean las Miss Mundo, Miss Universo y Misses de toda la galaxia son las pistolas de fieltro de colores.
Sara Applebaum is a great friend of crochet and would like to cover the world with it. However, her greatest contribution to World Peace, the one that every Beauty Queen wishes, are the colored-felted guns.
JR se ha hecho mundialmente famoso con su personal forma de graffitear, cubriendo paredes de sitios inesperados con sus fotos impresas a tamaño gigante en blanco y negro. Las más famosas las de las favelas brasileñas y el muro de Cisjordania. Seguro que lo que voy a decir ahora es una ofensa imperdonable pero a mi me recuerda a Banksy.
JR is worldly famous because of his personal contribution to the art of graffitis, covering walls of unexpected places with his huge printed pictures in black and white. His most famous works are located in the Brazilian favelas and the Wall of Cisjordania. I'm pretty sure that what I'm going to say is an unforgettable ofense but, his work reminds me of Banksy.
JR is worldly famous because of his personal contribution to the art of graffitis, covering walls of unexpected places with his huge printed pictures in black and white. His most famous works are located in the Brazilian favelas and the Wall of Cisjordania. I'm pretty sure that what I'm going to say is an unforgettable ofense but, his work reminds me of Banksy.
El siguiente marciano no sé a quién corresponde, me lo encontré por Barcelona hará un mes y me recordó a los que te encuentras por el Marais parisino.
The next martian I don't know whose work is from. I found it in Barcelona a month ago, and reminded me of the ones I saw at the Parisian Marais.
The next martian I don't know whose work is from. I found it in Barcelona a month ago, and reminded me of the ones I saw at the Parisian Marais.
¿Alguna vez os habéis encontrado con alguna de estas "obras", "instalaciones" o "vayaustedasabercomollamarlas" por la calle? ¿Y parecidas?
Have you ever found this kind of "work", "installations", "whatchamacallit" on the streets? Or something alike?
Have you ever found this kind of "work", "installations", "whatchamacallit" on the streets? Or something alike?
Big Hugs,
Big Hugs,
La Condesa que está pensando en hacer chaquetas para los bolardos y así ya no destrozarán bajos de coches
La Condesa who is thinking about making jackets for bollards so they don't destroy cars underneath.
La Condesa who is thinking about making jackets for bollards so they don't destroy cars underneath.
PD: siento la ausencia estos días, simplemente no soy persona, soy aristócrata, lo sé, pero me refiero a que no puedo con mi vida, el móvil me da calor y las teclas del ordenador están mucho más duras. No puedo tirar de mi pellejo.
PS: Sorry about my absence these days. I'm just not a person; I'm an aristocrat I know. What I mean is my life is hard to handle, my cell phone is always hot and the computer keys are harder to push lately. I'm burning both ends of the candle.
Translated by Marianela Santamaria
PS: Sorry about my absence these days. I'm just not a person; I'm an aristocrat I know. What I mean is my life is hard to handle, my cell phone is always hot and the computer keys are harder to push lately. I'm burning both ends of the candle.
Translated by Marianela Santamaria