julio 22, 2011
La historia de una chaqueta indomable: de Xavi a Jared pasando por Manu
La historia que os voy a contar sólo podía pasar en un sitio como el Palazzo de La Condesa porque es de traca. Todo empieza por un amigo, como siempre, un amigo acaparador todo sea dicho, que no contento con tener una chaqueta de La Condesa ahora quiere OTRA, pero esta vez hecha especialmente para él. Lo que me dicen a veces los ocurrentes que tengo a mi alrededor de "yo quiero que me hagas una chaqueta pero que sólo tenga yo, hazla como tú quieras, pero pensando en mi". Toma ya. Eso traducido al idioma del trabajo es como si te dijeran "yo no te voy a dar ni una sola pista de lo que me gusta y lo que no, tú sabras, pero sobre todo échale todas las horas que haga falta, no escatimes ni en telas, ni en patrón, ni en fornituras, hazme una chaqueta a medida de alta costura que me encate nada más verla y que no puedas replicar jamás, todo ello por el módico precio de nuestra primorosa amistad". Lo mejor es que además lo dicen en tono de favor personal, "te dejo que seas creativa, no te cortes". Gracias, qué detalle.
The story I'm going to tell you only could happen in The Palazzo de La Condesa, it's insane. All began with a friend; as always, a very possessive one. He not only wanted one Condesa jacket; no, he now wants another one specially made for him. Witty people around me always say "I want you to make a jacket just for me, that no one else has, as you like, but thinking about me" Right. In my working language that means " I'm not going to give you any clue about what I like or don't like, spend a lot of time on it, do not spare in material, patterns, or accessories. I want a costume made jacket that I love just by seeing it with no replica whatsoever; all of that for the reasonable price of our beautiful friendship". The best part is when they say " I'll let you be creative, don't hold it back" with a condescending voice. Well thanks friend, that's thoughtful.
The story I'm going to tell you only could happen in The Palazzo de La Condesa, it's insane. All began with a friend; as always, a very possessive one. He not only wanted one Condesa jacket; no, he now wants another one specially made for him. Witty people around me always say "I want you to make a jacket just for me, that no one else has, as you like, but thinking about me" Right. In my working language that means " I'm not going to give you any clue about what I like or don't like, spend a lot of time on it, do not spare in material, patterns, or accessories. I want a costume made jacket that I love just by seeing it with no replica whatsoever; all of that for the reasonable price of our beautiful friendship". The best part is when they say " I'll let you be creative, don't hold it back" with a condescending voice. Well thanks friend, that's thoughtful.
Para las chaquetas de mujer suelo rechazar tan tentadora oferta con una amable sonrisa y la sutil sugerencia de que quizás, sólo quizás, antes de dejarme los muñones en hacerte una especial para ti...me la hago para mi...o para mis hermanastras que, así y todo siendo hermanastras como son malvadas por definición, jamás me han venido con estas cosas y se conforman con tener las estandard en su talla. Sin embargo y muy curiosamente en el caso de los hombres estas peticiones impertinentes suelen funcionar. La primera chaqueta de hombre que hice fue porque el Consorte me miró con cara desconsolada mientras señalaba la de Chris Martin en Viva la Vida. La segunda fue una que hice pensando en Jaime, de ahí que se llame Soldado James. La tercera inició la buena costumbre de los encargos pagados, así que no cuenta, pero así nacieron la Beatles y otras cuantas. Julio Torres fue el culpable de la DJ. Y poco a poco han ido surgiendo las chaquetas de hombre que como veréis no corresponden a ninguna colección, ni a ninguna necesidad de cumplir con objetivos comerciales, se hicieron a gusto del "encargador" aclarándole que la cláusula de exclusividad se paga con millones o se renuncia a ella. Así llegamos al presente y a mi amigo acaparador que quiere una chaqueta especial. Sé creativa. No te cortes. Vale.
When that happens with women, I turn back the tempting offer with a gentle smile and the suggestion that maybe, just maybe before leaving my fingers making one for you, I'll make one costume made for myself or my stepsisters; I call them like that because they're evil by definition. But not even my stepsisters have requested that kind of things and they settle with the standard jackets on their sizes. In the case of men however, their impertinent requests usually work. The first men jacket I did came up because El Consorte looked at me heartbroken when we saw Chris Martin on his jacket in Viva La Vida. The second one I made it thinking of Jaime; that is why is called Soldado James. The third one started the paid orders tradition, so it doesn't count; but because of it came up The Beatle and other ones. Julio Torres inspired the DJ jacket and so on. Little by little the man jackets didn't emerge for a collection or for commercial purposes; they came up to please some guy "desires". The exclusive rights on the other hand, I had to make it clear, they had to pay millions or quit to it. That is how we arrive to the next jacket, the one for my possessive friend. Be creative he said, alright then.
Me pongo música, fundamental, me dejo llevar, sin pensar en si se vendería o no, yo le doy a a la aguja, al terciopelo, a las cadenas, a los botones dorados. Hala, hala, abajo el minimalismo hombre, más en más, más oro, más oooorrrrooo, necesito ORO.
Music is fundamental in the creative process. I let myself go, without thinking about the sales, I start with the needle, velvet, chains, the golden buttons. Let's go, don't think about minimalism. I need golden, more golden, I N-E-E-D GOLDEN.
When that happens with women, I turn back the tempting offer with a gentle smile and the suggestion that maybe, just maybe before leaving my fingers making one for you, I'll make one costume made for myself or my stepsisters; I call them like that because they're evil by definition. But not even my stepsisters have requested that kind of things and they settle with the standard jackets on their sizes. In the case of men however, their impertinent requests usually work. The first men jacket I did came up because El Consorte looked at me heartbroken when we saw Chris Martin on his jacket in Viva La Vida. The second one I made it thinking of Jaime; that is why is called Soldado James. The third one started the paid orders tradition, so it doesn't count; but because of it came up The Beatle and other ones. Julio Torres inspired the DJ jacket and so on. Little by little the man jackets didn't emerge for a collection or for commercial purposes; they came up to please some guy "desires". The exclusive rights on the other hand, I had to make it clear, they had to pay millions or quit to it. That is how we arrive to the next jacket, the one for my possessive friend. Be creative he said, alright then.
Me pongo música, fundamental, me dejo llevar, sin pensar en si se vendería o no, yo le doy a a la aguja, al terciopelo, a las cadenas, a los botones dorados. Hala, hala, abajo el minimalismo hombre, más en más, más oro, más oooorrrrooo, necesito ORO.
Music is fundamental in the creative process. I let myself go, without thinking about the sales, I start with the needle, velvet, chains, the golden buttons. Let's go, don't think about minimalism. I need golden, more golden, I N-E-E-D GOLDEN.
Os prometo que no lo hice a propósito pero no sé qué me poseyó (sí que lo sé, la música hija, la música) mientras la hacía que cuando terminé le pregunté al Consorte, ¿a ti esta chaqueta te hace pensar en Xavi? Sí hombre, es colorida. ¿Y en qué momento de la vida crees que va a poner Xavi esta chaqueta? Pues para ir a un concierto. ¿No crees que se me ha ido la mano? Bueno, quería algo especial. ¿Pero es mucha chaqueta no crees que se necesita la personalidad de una estrella del rock para llevarla? Pues que se tome unas copitas en casa antes de salir. Eah, el Consorte siempre pragmático, siempre con respuestas. En mi mente veía a Russell Brand llevándola (Russell, el Consorte y yo queremos ser tus amigos) pero se supone que era para Xavi. Por suerte cuando vino a por ella descubrimos un error en la colocación de las puñetas (estaban al revés) y la chaqueta se quedó una temporada más en casa a la espera de ser arreglada, una espera que se fue alargando creo que por mi culpabilidad de no querer darle una chaqueta que, como el anillo de Frodo, iba a poder con él.
I promise you, I didn't do it on purpose. I don't know what came up to me (I do know, the music man, the music). When I finished it, I asked El Consorte "Do you think of Xavi when you look at the jacket?" Sure, it's very colorful, he said. When in his life is he going to wear it? For a concert. Don't you think I went too far? Well, he wanted something special. Don't you think that is too big of a jacket?, for like a rockstar with major personality to wear it? Well, he'll have to take a couple of drinks before going out with it. El Consorte always so pragmatic, always with answers under his sleeves. On my mind I saw Russell Brand wearing it (Russell, El Consorte and I want to be your friends), but it was suppose to be for Xavi. Luckily when he came to pick it up, we found a mistake in the sleeves (they were backwards). So the jacket stayed at home for a while waiting to be fixed. The wait was very long; maybe I felt guilty for not wanting to give to Xavi the jacket. I thought it was going to be like Frodo's ring and it was going to possess him.
En el ínterin un día me llama el Consorte que su amiga Silvia, la mujer de Manu Tenorio necesita una chaqueta especial para un videoclip. Reviso las disponibles para prensa y no hay ni una de hombre en ese momento, mientras visualizaba con temor la posibilidad de vestir al cantante con una chaleco de mujer mis ojos pasaron por encima de la chaqueta de Xavi. Uhm...amiguita, ven que te haga unos retoques que vas a salir a escena. Si la chaqueta inicialmente era potente, después de mi segundo delirio la cosa se tornó en omnipresente gracias a la ayuda de más de 150 imperdibles.
In the meantime El Consorte called me and said that her friend Silvia, Manu Tenorio's wife, needed a special jacket for his new music video. I checked which jackets I had available at the time; I didn't have any for men. As I considered the possibility of dressing a guy with women clothing, I ran into Xavi's jacket. Come here my little friend, I'm going to retouch you because you're coming on stage. If the jacket was powerful at the beginning, after the second madly touches it turned out omnipresent thanks to my 150 safety pins.
In the meantime El Consorte called me and said that her friend Silvia, Manu Tenorio's wife, needed a special jacket for his new music video. I checked which jackets I had available at the time; I didn't have any for men. As I considered the possibility of dressing a guy with women clothing, I ran into Xavi's jacket. Come here my little friend, I'm going to retouch you because you're coming on stage. If the jacket was powerful at the beginning, after the second madly touches it turned out omnipresent thanks to my 150 safety pins.
Y así es como acabó en los hombros de Manu Tenorio que luce estupendo en su nuevo video musical rodado entre Grecia, Venecia, etc. Gracias chicos porque salís los dos bien guapos. Y gracias Silvia por encargarte de todo.
That is how the jacket ended up in Manu Tenorio's shoulders. He looks great in the video which it was filmed in Greece, Venice, etc. Thank you guys; and thank you Silvia for taking care of everything
That is how the jacket ended up in Manu Tenorio's shoulders. He looks great in the video which it was filmed in Greece, Venice, etc. Thank you guys; and thank you Silvia for taking care of everything
Semanas después la chaqueta vuelve a casa y las puñetas siguen sin estar en su sitio, pereza descoserlas y volverlas a coser, no hay cosa que más rabia de que un arreglo, aarghhhh. Nuevamente una llamada desconcertante acecha en el ambiente, es Xavi, oh dioses que quiere su chaqueta. No, que se va a París en cuatro días a entrevistas a Jared Leto gracias a Hugo Boss. ¡¡¡¿¿¿QUEEEEEEE???!!! Sí, y creo que habría que darle una chaqueta. Miro de nuevo a las de prensa, diooooses, ¿por qué nunca las devuelven a tiempo? NO HAY! Y aquí es cuando Monsieur Xavier, en su infinita generosidad, propone regalarle la suya a cambio de hacerle una nueva, entiéndase, más relajadita. Trato hecho.
Weeks after the jacket came back home, the sleeves were still backwards. What a drag to make them right, I really hate repairing clothes. I got a very perplexing phone call from Xavi: he wants his jacket. He is going to Paris to interview Jared Leto in four days thanks to Hugo Boss. WHAAAAAAT???!!!!!. We should gave him a jacket too. I looked and I don't have any available again! God! Why people never return stuff on time?? Here is when Monsieur Xavier, with an infinite generosity, told me to give Jared his jacket as long as he gets a new one more modest. Done deal.
Tercer ataque a la chaqueta, ahora sí que sí, saca la artillería pesada, nena, te vas con una rock star. Envejece, pinta, acuchilla, vuelve a pintar, vuelve a envejecer, más imperdibles, más tachuelas, más oro, por favor ¿es que nadie me entiende? Necesito O-R-O. A todo esto la chaqueta se viene conmigo a Badajoz para que de tiempo a rematarla y el domingo a última hora vuelve a manos de Xavi que al día siguiente se la lleva a París. No sé si me seguís pero la chaqueta en este punto ya ha hecho más kilómetros que el baúl de la Piquer.
Third attack on the jacket. It's time to put out the heavy artillery; dear jacket you're leaving with a rock star. Making it old, paint, cut, paint again, make it old some more, more safety pins, studs, more golden. Please, Why doesn't anybody understand?? I need G-O-L-D-E-N. I had to take the jacket to Badajoz so I could finish it on time and give it to Xavi Sunday night before he leaves to Paris. At this point, that jacket has more mileage on his shoulders than Piquer's trunk.
Weeks after the jacket came back home, the sleeves were still backwards. What a drag to make them right, I really hate repairing clothes. I got a very perplexing phone call from Xavi: he wants his jacket. He is going to Paris to interview Jared Leto in four days thanks to Hugo Boss. WHAAAAAAT???!!!!!. We should gave him a jacket too. I looked and I don't have any available again! God! Why people never return stuff on time?? Here is when Monsieur Xavier, with an infinite generosity, told me to give Jared his jacket as long as he gets a new one more modest. Done deal.
Tercer ataque a la chaqueta, ahora sí que sí, saca la artillería pesada, nena, te vas con una rock star. Envejece, pinta, acuchilla, vuelve a pintar, vuelve a envejecer, más imperdibles, más tachuelas, más oro, por favor ¿es que nadie me entiende? Necesito O-R-O. A todo esto la chaqueta se viene conmigo a Badajoz para que de tiempo a rematarla y el domingo a última hora vuelve a manos de Xavi que al día siguiente se la lleva a París. No sé si me seguís pero la chaqueta en este punto ya ha hecho más kilómetros que el baúl de la Piquer.
Third attack on the jacket. It's time to put out the heavy artillery; dear jacket you're leaving with a rock star. Making it old, paint, cut, paint again, make it old some more, more safety pins, studs, more golden. Please, Why doesn't anybody understand?? I need G-O-L-D-E-N. I had to take the jacket to Badajoz so I could finish it on time and give it to Xavi Sunday night before he leaves to Paris. At this point, that jacket has more mileage on his shoulders than Piquer's trunk.
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He aquí la chaqueta en cuestión, la Jared. Here it is, La Jared |
Día D, hora H. Monsieur Xavier, convenientemente vestido de La Condesa, agarra a Jared bien prietito en el photocall. Jared admira su chaqueta y le dice a Xavi, "me encanta tu chaqueta tio". A lo que Xavi rápidamente responde "pues fíjate qué bien Jared porque he traído una especialmente para ti desde España, así que no te vayas lejos que te la tengo que dar". Nervios, intriga, carreras, que Jared se escapa, por dónde, no puede ser, lo interceptan gracias al trabajo de campo del agente colaborador Sil y finalmente cara a cara se encuentran Xavi, Jared y nuestra ya famosa chaqueta. JARED! la chaqueta en cuestión, es un regalo, toma, pruébatela un momentito que te tengo que hacer una fotito de nada con ella puesta con esta cámara que llevo colgando del cuello todo el día. Venga. Lamentable pero comprensiblemente los responsables de marketing de Hugo Boss en ese momento carraspean ligeramente y con ello recuerdan que son ellos los que han pagado una suma considerable al señor Leto para que ese día, si no te importa chato, luzca ropa de Hugo y no de Marina. Xavi asiente, comprensivo, agradecido, reconocido de saberse cumplidor de una misión harto complicada y de haberse ganado un modelo de alta costura con creces.
Final hour. Monsieur Xavier, conveniently dressed by La Condesa, gets extremely nearby Jared on the photocall. Jared looked at Xavi and said " I love your jacket dude". He quickly responds " That's great because I have one specially made for you from Spain, so do not go away too far, I have to give it to you". Nervousness, intrigue, rush, Jared is running away, where is he?? Jared was intercepted thanks to the FBI-like work of Sil and finally they are face to face: Jared, Xavi, and the famous jacket. JARED!! The jacket is a gift, here, try it on, in the meantime I will make a picture of you very fast with the camera that I've been carrying on my neck all day. But sadly, the marketing people from Hugo Boss didn't allow the picture. It's understandable given the fact that they were the ones who paid a considerable amount of money to Mr. Leto so he attend the event wearing Hugo Boss' clothing, not La Condesa's. Xavi nodded with his head, he understood, he was grateful, satisfied knowing that he accomplished a complicated mission.
Y así es como la chaqueta Jared, ya tiene nombre la pobre itinerante, llega por fin a su destino, las manos de una f**** rock star. Eso sí, Jared, para la que hemos liado una cosa te digo, como no te la pongas tarde o temprano daré contigo y te la reclamaré puede que de malos modos. Ojito con no valorarla que si hemos dado contigo una vez podemos volver a hacerlo.
That is how the travelling jacket, called La Jared, got to its final destination. It is in the hands of a f**** rock star. I'm telling you something after all of that, if Jared doesn't wear the jacket, sudden or later I'll find you and claim it, not in a good way I'm afraid. If we found you once, We'll do it again, so watch out.
That is how the travelling jacket, called La Jared, got to its final destination. It is in the hands of a f**** rock star. I'm telling you something after all of that, if Jared doesn't wear the jacket, sudden or later I'll find you and claim it, not in a good way I'm afraid. If we found you once, We'll do it again, so watch out.
Y colorín colorado con la historia hemos acabado. No sé si es un final feliz o no, no sé si se la pondrá o no, pero oye, bien nos lo hemos pasado.
And that's the end of the story guys. I don't know if it is a happy ending or not, if he is going to wear it. But hey, we had a blast.
Abrazos mil,
Big Hugs,
Big Hugs,
La Condesa con música clásica de fondo
La Condesa with classic music in the background
La Condesa with classic music in the background
PD: Gracias miles y especiales a Monsier Xavier que sabe lo que le adoro.
PS: A thousands thanks to Monsieur Xavier, you know I adore you.
PS: A thousands thanks to Monsieur Xavier, you know I adore you.
PD2: Gracias miles al agente especial Sil que se arriesgó desinteresadamente y debe ser recompensada.
PS2: Thanks to the FBI Agent Sil who risked a lot selflessly; you must be compensated
PS2: Thanks to the FBI Agent Sil who risked a lot selflessly; you must be compensated
PD3: Gracias especiales a los señores de Hugo Boss que nos dejaron enredar hasta el límite comprensible.
PS3: Thanks to the people from Hugo Boss who made possible to create such chaos
PS3: Thanks to the people from Hugo Boss who made possible to create such chaos
PD4: Jared gracias por ese temazo de "Closer to the edge" que tantos subidones me ha dado, ahora ponte la chaqueta anda, no seas así. Mira Manu qué majo como se la puso, aprende. Gracias Silvia y Manu por vuestro apoyo.
PS4: Jared thank you for the great hit "Closer to the Edge"; it has given me a lot of exhilarating moments. Now, wear the jacket man, come on. Look at Manu; he's so sweet, you have to learn from him. Thank you Manu and Silvia for all the support
Translated by Marianela Santamaria
PS4: Jared thank you for the great hit "Closer to the Edge"; it has given me a lot of exhilarating moments. Now, wear the jacket man, come on. Look at Manu; he's so sweet, you have to learn from him. Thank you Manu and Silvia for all the support
Translated by Marianela Santamaria