enero 08, 2009
Playing with fashion
Feist - 1, 2, 3, 4
Canción para escuchar mientras se disfruta el post de hoy
Highly recommended song to listen to while enjoying this post
Qué maravilla de modelos tengo: título universitario, gusto por la comida, andares de persona normal, trabajo por amor al arte y no por dinero, poses sin necesidad de descolocar las articulaciones...una gozada trabajar con ellas.
My models are simply wonderful: holding a university degree, enjoying the taste of food, walking like normal people, working for pleasure and not money, posing without breaking their joints...it's so easy and fun to work with them.
My models are simply wonderful: holding a university degree, enjoying the taste of food, walking like normal people, working for pleasure and not money, posing without breaking their joints...it's so easy and fun to work with them.
Además son hermanas y se quieren y admiran mutuamente con locura. Se lo cuentan todo, salen de fiesta, comparten ropa...como las Olsen vaya, pero en agradable y sin reverso tenebroso.
Plus they are sisters and they love and admire each other so much the complicity they share makes it even easier to work with both of them...kind of like the Olsen twins but without the dark side.
Plus they are sisters and they love and admire each other so much the complicity they share makes it even easier to work with both of them...kind of like the Olsen twins but without the dark side.
Esther es la hermana mayor. Ya la conocéis porque es la modelo oficial del Vestidor, bella como ella sola oiga y sin haber operado ni un centímetro de su cuerpo, ni aparato en los dientes ha tenido.
Esther is the older sister. You've seen her before around here because she is the official model of this blog. A natural beauty who hasn't touch a single centimeter of her body to acquire such grace, not even brackets as a teenager like most of us.
Esther is the older sister. You've seen her before around here because she is the official model of this blog. A natural beauty who hasn't touch a single centimeter of her body to acquire such grace, not even brackets as a teenager like most of us.
Paz es la hermana pequeña. Es su primera aparición física en el Vestidor pero ha colaborado desde el principio con su arte, porque Paz es artista. Artistaza. Es la autora del cabecero rosa que recordareis, del póster del evento croquetil y de todos estos preciosos cuadros que podéis ver en su web. Mantenedla en vuestro punto de mira porque "los paz" pronto serán objetos de gran valor público reconocido. Luego no digáis que no os avisé.
Paz is the younger sister. It's the first time she appears in this blog but has been collaborating with it since the begining, for example designing the beautiful pink header I useed to have. Because Paz is an artist, a great artist. You should keep an eye on her work because I can assure you her pieces will be highly valued in the near future.
Paz is the younger sister. It's the first time she appears in this blog but has been collaborating with it since the begining, for example designing the beautiful pink header I useed to have. Because Paz is an artist, a great artist. You should keep an eye on her work because I can assure you her pieces will be highly valued in the near future.
Glasses: Ebay
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ A COMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR QUE YA ES LA HORA!!!!!!!!!!!! ¿Os acordais cuando este grito significaba el fin de la sesión de juegos de la mañana?
It's one o'clock stop playing and come home!!!!! Can you hear your mom yelling at you to have lunch?