Madrid Vogue Fashion Night Out

Last Thursday, Vogue magazine organized an event in several cities worldwide.

Por un momento creí que estaba en la Feria pero la ausencia de lunares me sacó del espejismo, estaba en Madrid, en pleno Madrid.
I first thought I was in some kind of Spanish fun fair but I found out I was right at Madrid's downtown as soon as I realised there were no polka-dots around.

Vogue’s marquee was supposed to be a refuge from the crowd but it was actually almost as busy as the other places and you had to go bumping everyone to get a beverage to cool you off. I am not sure it was whether the spotlights or the people but it was terribly hot.

Beside my complaints, the evening was real fun. It was a streetstyler’s paradise and a place to find everyone, even Michael Jackson. Here is the picture that proves the rumors that the king of pop is not dead.
Aparte de Michael también estaba Susana Campuzano (drcha foto), directora del máster en gestión de empresas de lujo del IE y sus compañeros de Luxury Advise.
Apart from Michael, Susana Campuzano, director of the master degree in luxury companies in the IE (Spanish companies institute), was also there (right on the picture) along with her colleagues of Luxury Advice.

Patricia Conde (hey! Like the name of my website!) was radiant and charming in an awesome model, super hair and super legs. What a great choice to show your legs off instead of your boobs.

However, her colleague took the other choice and acted unpleasant, diva and with a smile that turned off together with the lights of the camera. Too bad to be so pretty and have to live with such a bipolar personality.

Ms. Eloísa Bercero is our greatest haute couture collector and a truly nice lady. I always need to stop her whenever I see her, sorry, but she is really nice and knows more than anyone about fashion. In fact, she has always lived with it. Someday, I will tell you some of the things she tells me in these casual encounters. This time, she was saying the event was too crowded but “you then enter the stores and can find nice garments, though I do not get why people do not dare to come some other less crowded day”. Uhm…
Coti llevaba una cazadora que, aunque no era especialmente llamativa, me ha dado una idea para un posible DIY, a ver si me animo (o encuentro tiempo) y os enseño lo que haga.
Coti wore a not very striking coat, but he gave me an idea for a possible DIY. I will show you if I finally find the time and do it.
I think not even Cibeles gets to gather so many people interested in fashion and it was pretty fun to meet and talk to some of them because, at the end, I talk a lot with the pretext of the picture, overall, when I find some readers that recognize me. Wow! I get soooo excited! Hey!!
Algunas incluso repiten aparición, pero es que yendo así de idealmente vestidas y sonrientes es imposible que no las pare.
Some of them even appear again, but it is normal when they are so well dressed and smiley.
¿Cómo de increíble es esta combinación de rayas marineras, pantalón harem claro, sandalias joya y perlasa go-gó? Genial! ¿Y las uñas color coral? Rematando la faena se llama eso, qué genio, me encanta.
This outfit with sailor stripes, harem pants, jewel sandals and tons of pearls is awesome!! How about those coral nails? That is what I call a round off. I love it!

Más rayas bien llevadas, el pañuelo-cinturón le da un detalle y el tono de piel en piernazas elevan la camiseta de categoría.
More stripes well worn, the belt-scarf is an extra point and her leg’s beautiful color put the T-shirt up on a higher level.
I like the matching colors of the top and shoes and that bright necklace. Pink rocks. Cool! Sorry for my lack of proper language today. I think I have had a psicological regression and all the pink I never wore when I was a teenager is now claiming its place. The problem is this regression is leading to an important loss of vocabulary, ohmyGod! That is so fetch! Pink rocks!

Pink also rocks on all accesories. Check out that belt and necklace...
…o a full y sin complejos, me encanta! Es un color que favorece muchísimo con el moreno. Se avecina un post en el que me calzaré mis nuevos brogues rosa fucsia, vestido de noche rosa fucsia y reloj rosa fucsia…ohhhh! Lo veo, lo veo! Puede que esa día tengáis que poneros gafas de sol frente a la pantalla pero ¿y lo que nos vamos a reir?
... or full pink. I love it! It is a very flattering color with a tan. There is a new post to come in which I will wear my new fuchsia pink brogues, fuchsia pink night dress and fuchsia pink watch. Oh my God! I am seeing it! You might need to put on sunglasses to look at the screen but we will laugh for sure.
Aparte del rosa también hay otros colores que funcionan bien solitos, como el negro que nunca falla y que lucen XaviWorld y su amiga Clara directos desde Barcelona a vivir la noche madrileña.
There are some other working colors with no need to match with any other, such as black (always a good decision), like XaviWorld and his friend Clara, from
White is also where black is. I love this girl’s outfit, with a super blazer, a little belt just to emphasize the waist, super heels and let’s go! That red on your lips is just awesome. What about those legs? May I insist it is much better to invest on power plates and trainers that on silicone?
Patterns were also there – flowers, leopards, ethnics, handkerchiefs and so on

Up to this point, I got exhausted of the heat and run away to “In Dietro”, a decoration store for all of us who are moving. While trying to escape the crowd, I actually found the

Interior de la tienda con el Consorte robando una de las preciosas camas.
The Consort in the store trying to steal one of their beautiful beds.
Maniquí vestida de Teresa Helbig
A dummy dressed in Teresa Helbig.

Modelo luciendo creación de Teresa Helbig
A model dressed in Teresa Helbig.

Exterior de la tienda con sofá especialmente personalizado para la ocasión
A customized couch outside the store.
Maniquí echando una cabezadita, se le fue la mano con el champagne
A dummy taking a nap. I guess it took a little too much champaigne
El Consorte junto a Fernando y Teresa Rapallo propietaria del showroom “Fashionista"
The Consort together with Fernando and Teresa Rapallo, Fashionista’s owner.

Detalle de los zapatos de Teresa Rapallo.Detail on Teresa Rapallo’s shoes.
Model Clara Alonso looking radiant. She has gained a lot of popularity lately, since she got Victoria Secret’s angel wings.

Sus amigos y compañeros de profesión off-dutty. Her friends and colleagues off-duty.

Hay que reconocer que la chica del medio defiende con honor un modelo indefendible.
We must admit the girl in the middle is handling her dress situation with her head up high.

En la tienda tenían la colección que Teresa Helbig acaba de mostrar en Barcelona y que ha cosechado tan buenas críticas, vista en directo gana y es aún más espectacular, como su dueña.
They had in the store the collection Teresa Helbig just shown in Barcelona, which was pretty praised. It much better live, like its creator

Aquí tenéis a Teresa, mi ídolo de la noche, qué mujer más simpática y agradable por favor. Estilosa donde las haya, no me diréis que no podría salir ella misma a desfilar las prendas.
This is Teresa, my idol that night. She is really nice and kind. She is so stylish and I think she could even go model her own clothes.

It was a pleasure to talk to her and laugh about our terrible feet and how difficult is to get on super heels after a long time feeling free on flip-flops.

I liked everything in In Dietro but, overall, this FUCHSIA PINK French bulldog, with colored butterflies and I Love You balloon included. How come? Is this for real? The Consort and I have agreed to go get him to keep our door as soon as we get settled in our new apartment. He is soooo pink. Hey, guys, he is cool, isn’t he?

La Condesa readolescente
All the best from the super-teen Countess